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Cassie Jaye
Cassie Jaye
Documentary Filmmaker | Founder of Jaye Bird Productions
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Cassie Jaye
Public post
I’m at a loss for the right words, but I’ll do my best. 

One of my dearest friends and the most brilliant and good-hearted person to dedicate his life to justice for men and boys, Marc Angelucci, was murdered yesterday in front of his home in California. 

News reports say: “52-year-old Marc Angelucci was found non-responsive and suffering from gunshot wounds. He was pronounced dead at the scene. A motive for the shooting is unknown.” 

I first met Marc in 2013. He was one of the first people I interviewed for The Red Pill. He had an undergraduate degree from UC Berkeley, a law degree from UCLA Law and when he saw one of his closest friends being physically abused by his wife and then denied access to resources because he was a man, Marc began investigating. He never initially planned on being a “men’s right attorney” (as I labeled him in my film), but his big heart wouldn’t let him turn his back on good, innocent people needing legal counsel. The more he worked on these cases, the more he learned how unjust the system was. In his 20 years of practicing law, he became one of the most sought after and effective attorneys to fight on behalf of men (and women) in cases where gender discrimination was apparent, such as cases involving: child custody, divorce, paternity laws, domestic violence services, criminal sentencing, military conscription, public benefits, false accusations and education. What really shows his big heart is that most of the work he did was pro bono. He couldn’t not help people who were so clearly being taken advantage of and abused by the system, so he volunteered his time and work for their right to justice. 

The last time Marc and I spoke was on July 1st, just 10 days before his death. The last time I saw him was on my wedding day (he was only 1 of 2 people I invited to my wedding who were in The Red Pill).

When we met 7 years ago, I never thought he would become such a big part of my life and my heart, but he really became like family to me. Although I’ve met so many wonderful people through making The Red Pill, there’s not very many I see eye-to-eye with 100% of the time, but I could always stand behind Marc 100% of the time. The more I got to know him, the more I realized he was truly an angel on Earth who only had goodness in his heart, was always honorable in the work he did, and he was really the one person that could truly enact legal change on state and federal levels on behalf of men and boys. He won so many cases that few would be willing to touch and fewer would be willing to do pro bono, but he did it because it was the right thing to do. 

I honestly don’t know anyone else like him and that scares me. Who will carry on his legacy? His death is tragic, it wasn’t his time, he was in the prime of his life. He’s been working on so many important legal cases lately and I’m sure he had even bigger work on the horizon. I don’t know who could do this to him – and to us, because we have lost a real life hero. 

I love you, Marc. I miss you. We will not forget you. Rest in peace, dear friend.

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