Unofficial ARK: Survival Evolved Discord profile
Unofficial ARK: Survival Evolved Discord
Unofficial ARK: Survival Evolved Discord

Subscription Tiers

per month
  • Get Supporters role on Discord.
  • Access to Patron only channels.
  • Change your nickname on the server.
0 subscribers
per month
  • Get Supporters role on Discord.
  • Access to Patron only channels.
  • Change your nickname on the server.
  • Post your server ads in #featured-servers (once per week).
  • Post your tribe ads in #featured-tribes (once per day).
0 subscribers
per month
  • Get Supporters role on Discord.
  • Have a greater reputation.
  • Access to Patron only channels.
  • Change your nickname on the server.
  • Post your server ads in #featured-servers.
  • Daily server ad bumps (normally limited to 1 post per 7 days).
  • Post your tribe ads in #featured-tribes.
  • Twice daily tribe ad bumps (normally limited to 1 post per day).
  • Un-mod someone for a day. (1 time use per month; may be vetoed if needed for server safety and stability)
0 subscribers


  • Help keep community features running
  • Access to exclusive channels
  • More frequent ad posting
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