
Hiya! I'm 020 SAR-IA, and I am developing a videogame called SUPERVOID! I do 3D modeling, music, game development, and much more!
5 assinantes
59 publicação
Reality Shift - Knights of Neon
Virtual Reality Video Game Development Community
7 dias
 Período de Confiança
28 publicação
Leon - Unreal Engine Framework Developer
Greetings! I am an Unreal Engine Developer that is aiming to create Extremely Detailed Frameworks that people can use to create games, even if they don't know how to code or never used Unreal before!
24 assinantes
23 publicação
Companion Wulf
I'm a game developer, notably for RPG Developer Bakin, for which I create tutorials and assets. I also live-stream various games.
30 dias
 Período de Confiança
9 publicação
game and web dev, love tech I have a blog as well
DapperCrab Studios
Come join us as we develop the FREE open source game Apocalypse Game! Donations go towards the development of the game.
1 assinante
9 publicação
Jim Soufrilas
A content creator working on personal projects, from 3D Animation to Indie Platform games, from Digital Art to Literature, from concept to creation. Hop on to make these worlds a reality and have exclusive access to behind the scenes of how it all comes together, with making of videos, and more.
Doors of Trithius
I will post behind-the-scenes updates, screenshots, or concept art for upcoming updates.
0 publicação
Turret Game Development
0 publicação
Magnus Idea House
hello! i'm Niko dreagist an artist and video-game development hobbyist looking to improve! any and all suggestions are welcomed
Images and animations that are 2D and 3D is what you'll see here. They will be related to my graphic novel and videogame development.
31 dias
 Período de Confiança
0 publicação
Documenting game development from a hobbyist's perspective.
1 assinante
3 publicação
Working on "Street Legal 1: REVision"; A tricked-out re-release of the 2002 bargain-bin classic "Street Legal", to be available on Steam!
Kobold Lair
Kobold Lair is a rogue-like RPG Discord bot game. As the developer of the game, I appreciate any support you're willing to offer to help to keep it going and improve the game. Thanks!
1 publicação
Caius Nelson
Game Programmer and creator of "Omega Game Framework" for Unreal Engine.
Hey! We're Dream Mix Games and we're here to share our dreams.
0 publicação
Game Development Projects, Art, and Music.
Pixel Bamboo Software
Pixel Bamboo Software is an Independent Games Developer based in the UK. Developing and publishing games for the Nintendo Switch.
Néotl Empire
Game Developer & Staffing Agency
1 publicação

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