Karmic Acumen profile
Karmic Acumen
Karmic Acumen
Various forms of fiction
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Títulos de Assinatura

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The Serial Reader

This is the gateway to accessing advance chapters of my online stories.

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The Aficionado

This is where you'll get access to the rare preview of my original works. Once I finish re-doing all their world-building anyway.

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The Buff Enthusiast

This is for those who think I'm too cheap. It does, in fact, happen. Very occasionally. And even more situationally.

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The Practical Altruist

This is the last resort for when all other options to convince me of my true value to mankind have failed. Might lightning strike twice?


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  • Frequently published stories on various websites online

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Karmic Acumen

Understanding Does Not Presage peace - Chapter 20I'm sure most of you saw this coming. Also, I wa...

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Karmic Acumen

Understanding Does Not Presage Peace - Chapter 19Suffering from success, the short story.

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Karmic Acumen

Understanding Does not Presage Peace - Chapter 18The most complicated missing persons case.

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Karmic Acumen

Understanding Does Not Presage Peace - Chapter 17The repercussions really start catching up with ...

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Karmic Acumen

Understanding Does Not Presage Peace - Chapter 16The butcher's bill, through the eyes of the one ...

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Karmic Acumen

Understanding Does Not Presage Peace - Chapter 15This took a LONG time to finish, but I hope the ...

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