Alright, so thanks to the exceptionally talented Chessi, the first sketch of artwork is semi-done! There isn't much to change, just the muzzle size and shape of the Ferax in question as they currently look a bit like a different species, but the background game out amazing, and the overall shape is great otherwise, giving a nice look at their overall species shape.

This is currently set to go onto page 58 of the book as of v0.351.

Seriously, this is the kind of character design you can expect to have in-game, and shall act as inspiration for players to know what to expect from Saorsa. The same should be pointed out of the background as well - Saorsa is a high-magic environment, and locales such as these floating islands held together by chains are completely normal for the kinds of things you can expect for environments.

Anyway, v0.352 is on the way, I just ran into some complicated issues I needed to think on to resolve that cropped up during play testing. I think I've worked out the solutions for the most part, so I should be able to get this batch of work done this week for the next release soon.

So yeah, this is where your money has been going. Awesome stuff like this! The full, updated and coloured version will likely be done this week as well, and I hope to have more from Chessi in the near future!

Another artist, FoxInShadow, has set the date for their own first commission to this April due to a large backlog of work before their commissions open up again, but I at least have a rough date now! With these initial commissions starting to be taken care of, the bulk orders should be a lot less waiting and a lot more arting soon enough!

Also, I'm opening this up to subscribestar as a public viewing so everyone can see what to expect from the game for artwork. Hope this whets your appetite for more! Keep in mind that more income means more awesome art like this, because the money's going directly to the game not to me!