China has a HUGE problem … And Trump will ultimately win.

China has a HUGE problem. Actually China has about FIVE HUGE problems and because of this Trump will, ultimately, win in his actions against them.

First China is a corrupt place.  Like MANY Communist countries, China cannot exist without lying; lying to itself, lying to other countries, lying to its citizens.  While I admit many countries have leaders who lie to their subjects, they usually do so for power.  China lies to its people not only for power but to survive, to continue to exist.

The harshness of China's history, the mandatory lies created by a Communist system and its endless sea of citizens leads to the complications causing it problems in today's world.

For today's post, let's concentrate on the HUGE problem China has when it comes to farming.
China has no qualms about executing farmers who do not meet their quotas.  China also has no qualms about executing regional farming directors whose farmers miss their quotas.  Due to this unique process of encouraging job productivity, the farmer lies about his expected crop yield.  The regional directors collect these estimates and happily report to their superiors that all is well and the expected crop yields will be whatever the country's leadership demands it to be.  They know the data is probably false, but reporting the values demanded keeps them alive for another day.

 In the past, at whatever administrator level the Truth was finally admitted to, that person's boss might have the person admitting the Truth executed and every bureaucrat and farmer under him executed as a lesson to all farmers what happens if you fail to meet expected quotas.  Once executed, another farmer and another bureaucrat from the endless supply of both would chosen to replace those who were "forced into retirement" and all would be well until the next harvesting season started.

It is, in the end, Communism working as intended.

This history of quickly solving any production problems with a bullet to the head works its way up the chain of command until you reach the people who have options available to avoid the quick "employee adjustment" option which makes their wives widows.  The simple answer is they purchase American grain to make up any shortfall in the expected yields of the farmers and administrators below them.

In other words, they use American grain, sometimes purchased on the black market, to "balance the books." 

This process has been going on so long it has become second nature.  The farmers inflate the expected yield to government demanded levels. Their regional directors make sure all reported values come within expected goals.  Up the ladder the figures travel until the national directors factor in the expected crop yields into their urban planning.

The actual farming yields then come in well below needs, the regional directors nervously report the short fall up the chain to equally nervous supervisors until it eventually reaches the people who have wider options.  These people have additional discretionary spending options.  These options include purchasing the nice, clean, abundant, INEXPENSIVE USA grain to feed the hungry nation.

The Chinese citizens get fed, the centralized government doesn't ask questions, and the various farmers and quota counters survive another year.

This process makes the current world events very complicated for the Chinese leadership.  They look at the falsified data and assume that American grain is merely a small additive to the country's food supply; that if needed, the country can easily survive without it.  A false conclusion built upon a process that originated as a defense in China's lack of respect for human life.

So when Donald Trump comes along and doesn't put up with China's endless game of saying one thing and doing another, the Chinese leadership begins trenching in to do battle with Trump, assuming that any missing USA grain will simply be a small distraction to the action.

It's not.

It's a HUGE issue.

It's an issue which China will shortly discover will condemn its people to what is called the "North Korean Banquet."  The North Korean Banquet mainly consists in mixing in a LOT of soil into your meals to make up for the lack of real food.

But China has another (of several) issue(s)!  If you have followed my advice and watched some of the YouTube videos produced by "China Uncensored" you would have seen the video ( in which the channel interviews Chinese citizens vacationing in Hong Kong (more on that in a minute).

While the subject of the video is important, you should have realized something else while watching it: Hong Kong, due to its freedoms and available western goods, is considered a vacation goal for mainland Chinese based workers.  Watching this video, notice that all the people being interviewed basically look like office workers who came to Hong Kong like an American citizen might plan a vacation to Michigan.  They wear comfortable, causal clothing, have dorky hair cuts, and wear fashionable glasses. They are relaxed, well fed and have money to spend -- spend in Hong Kong.

In the 1950's, 1960's and even the 1970's, China had an abundance of farmers and laborers it could draw upon to throw into any conflict it engaged in.  Vietnam?  Korea? Just grab a few hundred thousand ignorant farmers from their fields, shove a rifle into their hands, point them at the American outpost you want overwhelmed and warn them not to slip in the blood of their fellow farmers as they rush the American positions.

Now, however, you lack as many of those ignorant farmers that China once had.  Instead you have a sizable number of accountants, bookkeepers, school teachers, computer support specialist and other infrastructure people vacationing in Hong Kong.

Just like American citizens vacationing in Georgia.

Today's Chinese citizens understand guns and killing in concept but in their entire lives they have never actually killed anything to eat it.  Just like in America, hamburger comes from the grocery store, not your neighbor's cow.  Shove a gun in their hands and order them to storm an outpost?  "Surely there's a less violent solution, right?  I have to have the Wang report on my boss's desk by Friday."

In short, a LOT of Chinese are actually enjoying their lives.  The concept of simply throwing those lives away is something they will actively avoid. Oh, on command they will still shout "China! China! We the Best! We can take on the West!" but in real life they are mainly worried about producing reports on next month's Chu Widget production.

In addition to this, it has been known for some time that during the May Day parades, as the Communist countries proudly march their military might down the main street of the capital cities, some of the missiles on display are made of cardboard, some of the rifles being carried are held together with duct tape.  Faked constructs created to hide the failings of missile production and true military status of the country.  Just like in Iraq and North Korea, if anyone knew how badly the Chinese missile and weapons program were being handled the country might fear organized attacks led by Falun Gong mother-in-laws.

Then there's Hong Kong (I told you I'd get here).  Because of all the structured lies in the Communist system, the government of China is proceeding with its planned absorption of Hong Kong fully into the Communist controlled, Chinese bureaucratic structure.  The Hong Kong people, having grown accustom to their freedoms AND having more access to more diverse information than the average Chinese citizen, understand what this means.  The funny thing is it's not just the loss of freedoms they object to, but the endless levels of corruption of the Chinese system that disturbs many of the Hong Kong citizens. The Chinese triggering event for the recent actions, the arrest of a Hong Kong citizen for deportation into the Chinese "justice" system, sent chills through any person who has seen the Richard Gere movie " Red Corner*" more than once.

*If you haven't seen the 1997 movie, it details the level of corruption and lack of TRUE due process that exists in the Chinese court system; a system where you are guilty until you can be tortured until admitting to being guilty, no matter what your true status once was.

In any case, the Chinese government, due to the corrupt status of its nature, has over estimated the ease in which Hong Kong would join the greater Chinese governing system.

Then there is the Chinese gender problem (which will be detailed in a future post) which only adds to the continuing Chinese Taiwan problem.

In short, the Chinese Government is currently built on sand.  This means their underlying base has been weakened by endless years of solving problems with a bullet to anyone stupid enough to Truthfully report the dangers in the aspects of the Chinese infrastructure.  They built their government on a system where lying for effect means surviving another day.

China is also still controlled by aging generals who lack a clear understanding of what today's society is like and an understanding of the actual love of life the current citizens have.  They have elder members of the ruling party who actually think that sacrificing a few million citizens will not affect those who remain to fill in for the ones who were eliminated.

They do not understand that while one farmer can replace another (no offense), no one understands the Wang Reports like the person who was just forced to join the military.  Because of this, China will soon have some serious Wang issues.

These false beliefs in the sturdy nature of the Chinese government are contributing heavily to China's HUGE problem.  With the American President, Donald Trump, actually holding China accountable to the corruption other USA presidents have looked away from, when his push comes to Chinese shove, the Chinese system will soon buckle and collapse like a ... Well, like attempting to launch a cardboard missile.

Eventually, the Chinese leadership will begin to see the citizens growing even more restless than they already have.  They will discover that in the current age, the availability of an endless supply of short lived and short-life farmers that can be converted into soldiers has been drastically changed into happy people expecting long, happy lives.

Even among the farmers!

No Communist system can survive long when trying to govern happy people.  Not even China's.

There is more to this. As we move forward I will document this further and explore other insights I have gained in my exploration of this world.

I Am Sielow, These are my words.
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