I'm going to be publishing FREE podcasts on YouTube - For further promotion :)

I know most of you follow on social media as well but just in case, I'll be dropping the videos here so you don't miss them. These are way more convincing as I'm able to present all kinds of evidence on video. I choose the episodes who are more pressing and those who are critical for the people to see. This is a purpose first and above all, of informing the people. The business side is barely and merely enough to cover for basic website, gear, security, and survival costs.

My name is Alessandro, and I was a volunteer with the International Tribunal of Natural Justice in 2018. I felt disenfranchised after Fiona Barnett, an Australian SRA survivor, was sabotaged by the organization. Shortly after I quit the organization and despite being there for four months only it was enough for me to “notice things.” Half of this podcast aims to explain my journey and how I came to this calling. I explain how I enrolled with the ITNJ, why, and how. Most importantly, I expose the reasons why I quit. I hope I don’t bore you with my pesky details.

I came out as a whistleblower against the ITNJ in August 2019 during an interview with Sarah Westall. My desire for anonymity got trumped anyway when Antonia Vassiliades doxed me. Also, I felt the right way to do this is by showing my face, especially when coming out to denounce the ITNJ. When I learned what Sacha Stone and cronies did to Kevin Annett and Katherine Horton, it was a no-brainer. Add that to the testimonies folks sent me who were wronged by Sacha Stone. I had to do something. Sadly YouTube banned Sarah and our interviews.

Consider this chapter as an introduction to what’s wrong with the ITNJ on the surface. I have testimonies denouncing Sacha not only as a criminal involved in fraud, money laundering, and being the poster boy for bullshit. Accusations of human trafficking, prostitution, pedophilia, possession of child pornography included. ON THIS DELIVERY, I present myself as I expose part of what’s wrong with the ITNJ. My testimony complements with the exposé of the former US director of the organization, Rebecca Cope.