The Impulsive Keyboard Buy

 I admit it was an impulse buy.  I hadn't really consider getting something "like" this.  Just the basic model.
I "needed" a back-lit keyboard.
I find my muses work a lot when I am sleeping.  I wake up with a really good idea and want to record it ASAP, even if it means looking up data.
I have an unused laptop. (I generally dislike the things -- they are anti-PC.  PCs should be big, stationary and have lots and lots of ports.  Tablets are even worse. LOL!)
I found a cheap rolling hospital table -- it has flaws that glue, tape and a couple of bent nails see to have fixed for now -- the glue has come undone and will require fixing soon.
I prefer keyboards that are wide enough for both hands, another reason to dislike laptops and tablets, and a mouse you use with your hand, not peck at on the screen like a chicken.
Fixing the mouse was easy.  Found a wireless USB mouse that works on the small space the laptop doesn't occupy on the hospital desk.  Now for the keyboard -- the impulse buy.
The plan?  Simple, white lit, keyboard.  Easy to see in the middle of the night.
Then I saw this multi-colored thing.  It was only a couple of bucks more.  What the heck.
Wow.  The LED cycles through about 7 different colors: Red, green orange, yellow, white, etc.  Neater still, you can set it to cycle through constantly or lock onto a single color.
There are times I want to type in the dark on a red lit keyboard.  Other times when I'd prefer a nice, bright green.  Changes in mood, changes in the season, just 'cause.
This keyboard does that.  Cycling, not cycling, this is an impulse buy I am happy I went for.  Very happy.
Now a word of advice concerning laptop/;PC add-ons:  Don't be afraid to say "No!"
In this case it has to do with wireless devices, or, more specifically, wireless keyboards.
I have, over the years, invested in wireless mice and keyboards.  Mice, yes.  Two directions of movement and three (+/-) buttons, etc.  Quick reaction times due to low data being sent.
Keyboards: NO!!!  Definitely not.  At first I thought it was me.  Was I backwards?  A neanderthal?  Just "not with it"?
I am not a touch typist, but I can be very fast at times.  When I watch the keyboard I can type very, very fast indeed.
But there were times I'd look up from the wireless keyboard and see it was three sentences behind me.
What?  No!  You do NOT get three sentences behind me!  I am live streaming here.  Instant communications.  YOU, Mr. Keyboard, need to keep up.
Then I did the math:  110 keys, shifts, Control, Alts, Numlocks -- it's a lot to take in.  A lot of data to transmit and interpret wirelessly.
Finally I just said: No.
Wired keyboards for PCs, laptops, and even tablets.  The tablet external keyboard is a tiny thing but easily functional on the lone USB port.
In the dark, the keyboard lights are ... pretty.  Just pretty.
One impulse buy I am happy with.
I Am Sielow, These are my words.
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