April 11, 2020 Update: We had beautiful spring weather most of the week this week, and consequently I spent most of the week outside helping my wife prepare for gardening season.  In particular, I built a "green-to"  (literally a lean-to on the south end of the house, with clear plastic sheeting covering a simple wooden frame, to serve as an improvised greenhouse), made a few raised garden beds (some out of lumber, others by cutting one side-wall off of a tractor tire and filling it with dirt), and started digging a recessed garden plot (basically the same design as my shooting trench, but the idea here being to have a garden patch in the bottom that is shielded from the wind).  Someday I will probably make a video about gardening in Idaho, but I'll probably wait a few years until we can discuss how these endeavors actually worked out.  Aside from gardening activities, I did just a little more work on the .350 legend, and I continued working on proofreading my western.  Anyway, this weekend I plan to upload the video about making a 12-gage barrel out of EMT conduit.